Does anything scream « vegan » more than green smoothies? I don’t think so. It’s just one of those things that people imagine that all vegans eat. Along with tofu (but hey, that’s okay, I love tofu).
I’m afraid I do live up to that stereotype, with at least one green smoothie and a pound of tofu a week. But in all seriousness, there’s really nothing weird about these foods and everyone can enjoy them, regardless of their diet. You just need to know how to “make them delicious”.
There are so many different ways to make green smoothies, for example with spinach, celery, zucchini, or simply with fruit, which I prefer. I switch mines up all the time, adding tart fruit like mango or pineapple, or even a few frozen peas, but the super basic recipe I’m sharing today is the one I make the most.
It has three basic ingredients: ripe bananas, baby spinach and matcha powder. And of course, water. Coconut water ideally, but tap water works just fine. From time to time I also like to add avocado for extra creaminess, hemp seeds for more omega 3 and proteins, wheatgrass powder for its positive effect on digestion as well as on hair and the skin.
As for matcha, it is essentially high-quality green tea leaves that have been dried and pulverized into a fine vibrant green powder. Adding it to your smoothies will boost their antioxidant levels and add vitamins A-B-C-E and K, among others. Its high level of antioxidants is said to help strengthen your immune system and fight infections. It also contains
Pairing the smoothie with soy yogurt and a creamy coconut chia pudding turns it into a tasty grab-and-go meal that will actually fill you up for hours. They add so much value to this already nutritious smoothie, like good-quality protein, omega3, and fiber as well as various vitamins and minerals.
I make one chia pudding ahead for Martin and I to enjoy throughout the week. Combined with a smoothie like this, you should end up with at least four portions.
To reach a smoothie consistency as creamy as mine, you will need a high-power blender. I use the Omniblend, but since there is nothing frozen in this particular recipe, a regular blender will also do the trick.
Not a fan of breakfast jars? Of course, you can also serve it in a bowl :)
If you try this recipe, make sure to snap a picture and share it on Instagram or Facebook using the hashtag #valisesetgourmandises. I wanna see your creations! And don’t forget to leave a comment below :)
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Matcha smoothie & coconut chia pudding breakfast parfait
Coconut Milk Chia Pudding
- 1 cup coconut drink I used rice-coconut milk from a carton*
- 3 tablespoons graines de chia 1/4 de tasse pour un pudding très épais
Green Matcha Smoothie
- 2 organic fair-trade bananas ripe not frozen
- 1 handful organic baby spinach
- 1 teaspoon organic matcha powder
- ¼ avocado optional
- 1 teaspoon organic wheatgrass powder optional
- 1 tablespoon organic hemp seeds
- Coconut or filtered water to reach your prefered consistency
Coconut Milk Chia Pudding
- The day before, combine the milk and the chia seeds in a jar, mixing everything through. Leave for 5 minutes and mix again to avoid the chia seeds settling at the bottom. Repeat one or two times before putting in the fridge overnight.
- In the morning, check the chia pudding to see if the consistence is to your liking. Add some milk for a runnier pudding or chia seeds for a thicker one and place back in the fridge while you make the smoothie.
Green Matcha Smoothie
- Place all the smoothie ingredients in a blender and mix for one minute.
- Put a few tablespoons of plant-based yogurt into a jar. Add a quarter of the chia pudding, some fruit if you’d like, and top with the green smoothie.
**depending on how much liquid you use, you may have a bit too much for your jar. You can keep the surplus in an air-tight jar in the fridge for later use, or even freeze it in ice cube molds to use in future smoothies.
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Matcha health benefits, source:
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