Hear ye! Hear ye! I’ve interrupted everything I’m doing, notably putting the final touches on my post about Tallinn, for this important message of national interest.
It’s crucial that you try these cookies, either to make new friends, impress your boss or make sure your boyfriend will propose… Or to eat them all by yourself while watching TV with your cat, I’m not one to judge.
Molasses is one of those foods I was never particularly fond of, but that the new mature me who likes everything could never go without. Especially since I know that it’s one of the only healthy sweeteners, along with dates, that we can indulge in without feeling too guilty.
I didn’t even plan to bake these cookies, but when I walked in front of my pantry, my jar of molasses jumped out at me and I had no other choice but to put it to good use. What better way than good ol’molasses cookies!? And healthy and vegan to boot. Perfect with a glass of homemade eggnog!
Here’s the recipe, you can thank me later when your tastebuds come down from their high :)
If you try this recipe, make sure to snap a picture and share it on Instagram or Facebook tagging me & using the hashtag #valisesetgourmandises. I wanna see your creations! And don’t forget to leave a comment below :)
p.s. if you’re looking for yummy vegan recipes for Christmas, don’t miss out on my new eBook My vegan Christmas. 25 festives recipes to celebrate with compassion. Available over here :)
The Best Molasses Cookies Ever
- 1 tablespoon ground flax seeds + 2.5 tablespoons warm water
- ¾ cup whole wheat flour
- ½ cup unbleached all-purpose flour
- ½ teaspoon baking powder
- ½ teaspoon ground Ceylon cinnamon
- ¼ teaspoon cardamom
- A pinch of salt
- ¼ cup coconut oil room temperature (soft but not liquid)
- ¼ cup apple sauce I assume that it’s possible to use pureed banana or white beans, but I haven’t tried
- ¼ cup blackstrap molasses
- 2 tablespoons coconut sugar or brown sugar
- Raw sugar for garnish optional
- Preheat the oven to 350F (180C). In a small bowl, mix the ground flax seeds with the water. Set aside.
- In another bowl, mix the flours, the baking powder, the spices and the salt. Set aside.
- In a mixing bowl, cream the coconut oil, the apple sauce, the molasses and the coconut sugar with a whip. Add flax seed mixture.
- Incorporate dry ingredients to the wet ones and mix with a spoon (the dough should be pretty thick, don’t over mix).
- With a tablespoon, form 12 equal balls and place them on a baking sheet covered with a silicone baking mat (or oiled), leaving some space between them. Gently press each ball with a fork. If you want, roll each ball in a bit of sugar before placing it on the sheet. Bake in the oven for about 8 minutes, the cookies should be soft, so don’t overcook them!
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Loved them! I’ll try a gluten-free version with other flours though. Thanks for sharing!
Glad you like them! Feel free to share the results here. I don’t bake gluten-free, but I’m sure it would be useful to other people. Thanks! :)
Après avoir découvert ta page Facebook, je découvre ton blog! Tes recettes sont géniales, tes photos superbes…bref j’ai envie de tout essayer!! Merci pour cette belle découverte! :)
Merci merci Emmanuelle! Tes commentaires me font chaud au cœur :) Je ne sais pas si tu as remarqué, mais tous les articles sont aussi disponibles en français! Au plaisir de lire ta prochaine recette! xx